Friday, 17 April 2015

Evaluation Q3

What have you learnt from audience feedback?

Throughout Constructing my product i had a series of audience feedback throughout, i had things such as, you should have some traffic in there, you should have some lyrics in there, i listened to the audience and constructed my product around my audience feedback and my target audience, i felt that i had pleased them by what i had done and they enjoyed the video. I took constructive criticism at the start and constructed my music video to fit round my audience.

Do you regularly watch music videos?



Your favourite music video?

What was your FAVOURITE thing about my music video?
Explain Why:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Whats could i improve?


this is a good way on how i got across to my audience (using a questionnaire) this gives my audience to think about what they want to write other than saying it to my face which then they have to think on the spot.

Audience Feedback 1

Do you regularly watch music videos?



Your favourite music video?
Ago, Chris Brown

What was your FAVOURITE thing about my music video?
Explain Why: Because i think the way the beat drops you have something there to show that the beat has dropped and it gets the audience engaged, its something thats creates realism in comparison to other music videos when looking at them, i would defiantly watch this again.

Whats could i improve?
You could improve the way in what transitions you use for example we see a lot of the fading to white, this could be changed for something such as cross dissolve or maybe even a ripple.

This is something that took on board throughout my music video, i used a variety of transitions, i have involved things such as fade to black and cross zoom this is good because it engages my peers a lot more, i have used a male for my first piece of feedback, this is due to me as a person id like someone on my wavelength to give me some feedback. This type of feedback is vital as it gives me something to use against my video as they're into the type of music i am.

Do you regularly watch music videos?


Your favourite music video?
Robbie Williams-Rock DJ

What was your FAVOURITE thing about my music video?
Explain Why: I don't know how to judge something like this on behalf of the genre i listen too, i like a different type of music video, but the best thing about this music video is the framings, and how it is all pieced together. 

Whats could i improve?
This isn't my kind of music video so i can't tell you about something compared to the real product but obviously when i watch something like this its not something i enjoy, id prefer a bigger narrative or something like that.

This type of feedback helped me a lot throughout making my product because this shows that my products target audience is not for 20+ people, this is good because my target audience was supposed to be for the teens and has successfully done that, it was also targeted at people who like house music.

Do you regularly watch music videos?


Your favourite music video?
Haven't got one

What was your FAVOURITE thing about my music video?
Explain Why:With me not watching many videos it comes cool to see when an effect added can do with the full music video.

Whats could i improve?
i can't judge on what has to improve as i don't really watch music videos but it is good, if i was to do it i would've included more of the actors.

This was the least helpful out of the three, purely because of the fact he doesn't watch music videos so i couldn't have a good opinion or take things off what he said but what he did say was that my actor should be involved a lot more, when i did some research and planning i found that the narrative of an house style music video is to show the audience the establishing shots and transport, this is used in other real media texts what i have gained ideas off.

Things i have gained from the audience feedback:
- My product shows realism throughout and engages the audience from start to finish
-My product has various effects and now has a lot of transitions
- My products timings and variety of colours throughout is useful and attracts the house genre target audience.
-my product appeals to my target audience only
- If i was to do this again i would make sure i had a range of transitions to show the audience the effect of all them throughout my work.

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